How to stop overthinking at work
7 R’s to plan your New Year with ease & flow
Decolonizing and Revillaging Thanksgiving
13 Ways to Make Your Life More Sacred
So many women are longing for a more sacred life - a life of meaning, intention, purpose, and deep connection. You deserve to live a life that is completely magical from sun up until sun down, and even in your dreams to continue weaving magical threads. You are a sacred being! Here are 13 ways to start making your life more sacred today!
How to be productive in your soul’s work
How to be productive while doing your soul’s work - building a business, being an artist or activist, managing a team. Learn how to co-work for productivity, use deep work principles, and form a mastermind!
Sacred Feminine Leadership
Humanity, the planet, and our communities need sacred feminine leadership now more than ever. We need leaders who are willing to risk their belonging to a patriarchal society. It’s important to note that sacred feminine leaders come in all bodies and gender expressions. These leaders are intentionally embodying these nine qualities in their work and in their lives, and so can you!
Saturate Yourself in the Winter Crone’s Wisdom
Saturate yourself in Winter Crone wisdom!
Build an ancestral altar in 7 easy steps
How to build an ancestral altar in 7 easy steps.