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“This was a huge time in my life as I prep for launching an online course, expanding my business during the busiest season, and getting ready to get married & throw a huge wedding party. I cannot thank Ellen enough for helping me emotionally, strategically, and spiritually through this transformation! If you have a lot going on in your life, I seriously recommend this on your journey.”
— Savannah Harover, Owner of Digital Savvy Consulting (Lexington, KY)
“I felt that many of my leadership and interpersonal skills atrophied. Just three sessions with Ellen brought me back home to old self BUT with new skills, resources, and insights. As a direct result of our time together, I gained the courage to take a risk toward career promotion that I had put off for 8 years. I feel like a whole new path on my leadership journey has opened up. I see this recovered confidence playing out in my relationships as well. I have relearned to trust myself and my intuition. And I really don’t think there’s a greater gift in this life than that. Thank you, Ellen.”
— Catelynn Kenner, Evaluation Manager at First 5 Santa Barbara County (CA)
“If you are looking for someone to radically change your life for the better, Ellen is that person. She has a natural gift that I'm so grateful she has chosen to share with the world. She is empathetic, she listens, she holds space for you. She will reflect back what you express so that you are able to understand your desires more fully, and she guides you so patiently and intentionally to explore new avenues of self-love. We all need to be reminded to breathe, to take time for what brings us joy, and Ellen is that reminder.”
— Emily Evans, Owner of Eliminate Professional Organizing (Lexington, KY)
“Ellen Gilbert is a treasure. She embodies the deep, nurturing sacred feminine in a vibrant playful way. Just meeting Ellen reawakened the memory of the nurturing feminine in me. In addition, she brings a truly holistic approach to her coaching work. We incorporated ceremony, bodywork, mental planning, as well as essential grieving and emotional work. She offers and embodies much more wisdom than most conventional therapists, yet follows her client's leading. She is also a gifted facilitator, setting a real and honest vibe, as well as keeping the group on track.”
— Joanna Juzwick (Lexington, KY)